Ranking 9. Duke University 합격자 SAT ACT GPA 성적, 합격률, 지원 일정

이 자료는 US News에서 공식 발표한 Duke University 최종 합격생의 성적 평균 자료 입니다.

듀크 대학교의 경우 성적 조건을 갖춰도 지원자의 11%만 합격할 수 있습니다.

이 성적 자료는 참고 자료로만 활용하는 것이 바람직합니다.

지워자의 최종합격 여부는 SAT/ACT, GPA, 에세이와 더불어, 과외활동 (Activities), 수상 실적 (Honor & Awards), 추천서 및 Portfolio 등 보충 자료 (supplementary materials)를 종합적으로 검토하여 결정됩니다.

합격을 목표로 한다면 성적과 함께, 자신만의 차별화된 결과물을 준비하는 것이 바람직합니다. 

Supplement to the Common Application (입학 원서 세부 내용)


한개는 필수이고 한개는 옵션입니다.

1. 듀크 대학은 광범위한 경험을 구현하는 재능 있고 참여적인 학생들을 찾고 있습니다우리는 학생들의 다양성이 우리 공동체를 더욱 강하게 한다고 믿습니다우리가 당신들을 이해하기 위해 자신이 속한 공동체가족이나 문화적 배경에 관련된 경험을 공유하고 싶다면 공유해주세요실제 사람들은 당신의 신청서를 읽고 있으며우리는 듀크 대학에 지원하는 사람들을 이해하고 감사하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

2. 다양성과 포용에 대한 듀크의 헌신은  정체성과 성적 지향성을 포함합니다신청서에 쓰지 않은 자신에 대한  많은 정보를 서술해 주세요.


신청서를 검토할 우리는  학생의 학업  특성과 개인적 특성을 모두 고려합니다우리는 학생들이 직면  기회와 도전에 대해 학생들이 성취한 것에 대해 생각한다그리고 우리는 다양한 경험배경관심사  의견을 가져올학생들을 찾습니다우리는 특히 열심히 생각하고 세상을 변화시키고 싶어 하는 학생들을 환영합니다입학 절차가매우 개인적이고 상황에 따라 다르기 때문에 점수만으로 입학 가능성을 예측하는 것은 불가능합니다.

우리는 기본적으로 여섯 가지 주요 요소에 대한 평가를 실시합니다:

후보자의 엄격한 학업 과정 

성적으로 측정  학업 성취도

카운슬러와 교사 2 명으로부터의 추천서

교과  활동

에세이에서 표현된 사고와 표현의 

표준화된 시험 점수

지원자들을 평가할 우리는 다음을 추구합니다:

아이디어커뮤니티  다른 사람들과의 참여 의식

자신의 재능과 능력을 활용하는 경향 

도전에 대한 관심야망 

변화를 만드는 능력과 욕구

창의력호기심  재미있는 감각

기회에 대한 개방성

Supplement Essays

[One required, one optional]

1. Duke University seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you'd like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you've had to help us understand you better-perhaps related to a community you belong to or your family or cultural background-we encourage you to do so. Real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to Duke. (250 word limit)

2. Duke’s commitment to diversity and inclusion includes gender identity and sexual orientation. If you would like to share with us more about either, and have not done so elsewhere in the application, we invite you to do so here.

Helpful Tips

In reviewing applications, we consider both the academic and the personal qualities of each student. We think about what a student has accomplished within the context of the opportunities and challenges he or she has faced. And we seek those students who will bring a variety of experiences, backgrounds, interests and opinions to the campus. We especially appreciate students who love thinking hard about things and who like to make a difference in the world. Because the admissions process is so personal and contextual, it’s impossible to predict a candidate’s chances of admission by looking at academic qualifications alone. 

We’re guided initially by our assessment of six primary factors:  

* The rigor of a candidate’s academic program 

* Academic performance as measured by grades in academic courses

* Letters of recommendation from the counselor and two teachers 

* Extracurricular activities 

* The quality of thought and expression in the application essay

* Standardized test scores.

As we assess candidates within the context of the applicant pool, we’re seeking:

*A sense of engagement—with ideas, with other people, with a community 

*An inclination to take full advantage of one’s talents and abilities 

*An interest in being challenged; a healthy ambition 

*The ability and desire to make a difference 

*Creativity, curiosity and a sense of fun

*An openness to opportunities 

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