Ranking 5. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 합격자 SAT ACT GPA 성적, 합격률, 지원 일정

이 자료는 US News에서 공식 발표한 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 최종 합격생의 성적 평균 자료 입니다.

MIT의 경우 성적 조건을 갖춰도 지원자의 8%만 합격할 수 있습니다.

이 성적 자료는 참고 자료로만 활용하는 것이 바람직합니다.

지워자의 최종합격 여부는 SAT/ACT, GPA, 에세이와 더불어, 과외활동 (Activities), 수상 실적 (Honor & Awards), 추천서 및 Portfolio 등 보충 자료 (supplementary materials)를 종합적으로 검토하여 결정됩니다.

합격을 목표로 한다면 성적과 함께, 자신만의 차별화된 결과물을 준비하는 것이 바람직합니다. 

Supplement to the Common Application (입학 원서 세부 내용)

보충 에세이

MIT 신청서는  가지 간단한 질문과 답변으로 구성되어 있습니다이것은 필기시험이 아님을 기억하십시오이들은 우리가 당신의 목소리 - 당신이 누구인지무엇이 당신을 움직이는지당신에게 중요한 것이 무엇인지무엇이 당신을 공부하게 하는지 용도입니다솔직하고 개방적이며 정직하게 이야기하세요이것은 우리와 연결할  있는 기회입니다에세이에 대해 신중해야 합니다그러나 정직하고 쉬운 대답과는 달리, "최고로 보이게"만드는 것에 대해 강조하거나 전략을 세우는  너무 많은 시간을 할애할 필요가 없습니다.


2017-2018  신청서에 써야   짧은 답변 에세이 질문은 아래와 같습니다

* 우리는 당신이 바쁜 삶을 살아가고 많은 활동을 하고 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다단순히  즐거움을 위해 하는 일에 대해 말해주십시오. (100 단어 이하)

* MIT 어떤 전공을 할지 아직 고르지 못했을 수도 있지만 MIT에서 가장 배우고 싶은 프로그램이 무엇인지 그리고그 이유는 무엇인지 서술하세요. (100 단어 이하)

* MIT에서 우리는 다른 사람들의 삶을 개선하기 위해 노력합니다. MIT 학생들은 세계에서 가장  도전에 대처하는것부터 좋은 친구가 되는 것까지 다양한 방식으로 지역 사회를 개선하기 위해 노력합니다가족교실이웃  지역사회에 기여한  가지 방법을 설명하십시오 (200-250 단어).

* 당신의 세상을 묘사하십시오예를 들어가족동아리학교지역 사회도시 또는 마을 세계가 당신의 꿈과 열망을 어떻게 형성 시켰습니까? (200-250 단어)

* 당신이 직면  가장 중요한 도전 또는 계획대로 진행되지 않은 중요한 문제에 대해 알려주십시오어떻게 상황을 관리했습니까? (200-250 단어)


이력서가 아닌 우리 학교 양식을 사용하여 활동을 기록하십시오 가지를 나열할  있는 충분한 공간이 있습니다가장 중요한 4 가지를 선택하고 그들에 대해 조금만 말해주십시오이것은 당신이 고등학교     모든 “ 목록"보다 당신에 대해  많이 말해  것입니다보충 이력서를 제출하실 수는 있지만 활동 목록을 작성하는 대신 이력서를 제출하면 피해가   있습니다. (그렇게 하지 마십시오).

자체 보고 과정 양식

 양식을 작성하는 방법은 신청서 결과에  영향을 미치지 않으므로 너무 스트레스받을 필요 없습니다최선의 판단을 하십시오우리는 단순히 과목  학업 준비 상황을 명확하게 파악하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다우리는 수천개의 다른 성적표를 봄으로 이것이 귀하의 교과 과정과 성적을 일관된 형식으로   있도록 도와줍니다.


* 자체 보고된 교과 과정은 미국 학교 시스템의 학생    있습니다국제 학교에 다닐 경우 성적표  사용할 것입니다.

* 귀하가 제공  정보는 귀하의 고등학교 성적 증명서를 대신하지 않습니다귀하의 학교에서 검토  콜롬비아로 보내야만 인정을   있습니다 (우발적인 허위 진술을 피하기 위해  양식을 작성하는 동안 고등학교 성적 증명서사본을 보면서 하시길 바랍니다).

* 가능한 약어를 사용하지 말고 주제 영역별로 학교 과정 이름을 입력하십시오수강한 모든 수업을 포함하십시오수강했던 수업이 고등학교 이외의 기관에서 수강됐다면 (예를 들어지역 대학교 또는 프리 칼리지) "코스 제목필드에서 그곳이 어디인지 알려주십시오.

* 수강한 모든 과목 리스트를 작성할 충분한 공간이 없으면 가장 최근의 (현재수업으로 시작하여 (과거수업 작성하십시오주제 영역의 오버 플로 섹션으로 "추가 코스"섹션을 사용할 수도 있습니다.

* "Term and/or Final Grade(s)” 필드에 귀하의 학교 성적표 (학기분기최종 ) 있는  학급의 학기 및최종 성적을 기입하십시오수업   줄만 사용하십시오예를 들어같은 학급의  학기마다 별도의 줄을사용할 필요는 없습니다동일한 분야에서 모든 학년을 쉼표로 구분하여 배치하십시오.

Supplement Essays

Rather than asking you to write one long essay, the MIT application consists of several short response questions and essays designed to help us get to know you. Remember that this is not a writing test. These are the places in the application where we look for your voice—who you are, what drives you, what's important to you, what makes you tick. Be honest, be open, be authentic—this is your opportunity to connect with us. 

You should certainly be thoughtful about your essays, but if you're thinking too much—spending a lot of time stressing or strategizing about what makes you "look best", as opposed to the answers that are honest and easy—you're doing it wrong. 


For the 2017-2018 application year, these were the short answer essay questions we asked: 

* We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. (100 words or fewer)

* Although you may not yet know what you want to major in, which department or program at MIT appeals to you and why? (100 words or fewer)

* At MIT, we bring people together to better the lives of others. MIT students work to improve their communities in different ways, from tackling the world’s biggest challenges to being a good friend. Describe one way in which you have contributed to your community, whether in your family, the classroom, your neighborhood, etc. (200-250 words)

* Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations? (200-250 words)

* Tell us about the most significant challenge you’ve faced or something important that didn’t go according to plan. How did you manage the situation? (200-250 words)


Please use our form, not a resume, to list your activities. There is only enough space to list four things - please choose the four that mean the most to you and tell us a bit about them. This will tell us more about you than any "laundry list" of everything you've ever done in high school.

You are welcome to submit a supplemental resume, but submitting a resume instead of filling out our activity list can hurt you (so don't).

Self-reported Coursework Form

How you fill out this form will not make or break your application, so don't stress about it. Use your best judgment—we're simply trying to get a clear picture of your academic preparation by subject area. We see thousands of different transcripts, so it really helps us to view your coursework and grades in a consistent format.

Helpful Tips

* The self-reported coursework should be completed by students in U.S. school systems only. If you attend an international school, we'll just use your transcript. 

* The information you provide does not replace your official high school transcript, which must be sent to us from your school to verify your self-reported information (in order to avoid accidental misrepresentation, it might help to have a copy of your high school transcript in front of you while completing this form). 

* Avoid abbreviations, if at all possible, and enter the names of your school courses by subject area. Please include all classes you have taken and are currently taking. If your courses were taken outside of your high school (at a local junior college or university, for example), tell us where they were taken in the "Course Title" field. 

* If there aren't enough spaces for all the courses you have taken, start with your most recent (current) class and work backward. You can also use the "Additional courses" section as an overflow section for any of the subject areas. 

* In the "Term and/or Final Grade(s)" field, list term and/or final grades for each class, as found on your school transcript (semester, trimester, quarter, final, etc.). Use one line only per class - for example, it's not necessary to use a separate line for each semester of the same class. Place all grades for a class in the same field, separating grades with commas. 

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