SAT/ACT 점수 비교 & 가이드(Guide to the 2018 SAT/ACT Concordance)

SAT/ACT 점수 비교 & 가이드 (Guide to the 2018 ACT/SAT Concordance) 

What Is Concordance? 
The term “concordance” refers to establishing a relationship between scores on assessments that measure similar (but not identical) constructs. A technically sound concordance allows students and professionals to compare scores from similar assessments to inform decisions. A concorded score is not a perfect prediction of how a student would perform on the other test. 

“Concordance" 용어는 유사한 (그러나 동일하지는 않은) 구조에서 평가된 점수 사이의 관계를 설정하는 것을 의미합니다. 기술적으로 Concordance 통해 학생들과 전문가들이 유사한 평가의 점수를 비교하여 원하는 결정을 내릴  있습니다. Concordance 점수는 학생이 다른 시험에서 어떻게 수행할 것인가에 대한 완벽한 예측은 아닙니다.

Which Concordance Tables Are Provided? 
The concordance tables are based on ACT and SAT tests that cover similar content and show a strong statistical relationship between scores. A description of the content measured by the new SAT and the ACT is provided in the Appendix. The table below lists the three sets of concordances. 

- Concordance 표는 ACT  SAT 시험 점수를 기반으로 점수 사이를 통계적으로 보여줍니다. 새로운 SAT ACT 의해 측정된 콘텐츠에 대한 설명은 부록에 제시되어 있습니다. 아래 표는 3가지로 나누어진 Concordance 표입니다.

Note: Concordance tables for the ACT Composite were derived from concordances of the ACT sum score.

Note: ERW = Evidence-Based Reading and Writing. 

Tables are provided in both directions (ACT-to-SAT and SAT-to-ACT). Each ACT score is related to a range of SAT scores (or vice versa). For users who want to concord an ACT score to a single SAT score point (or vice versa), the most appropriate score point within the range is also provided. 

2018 Concordance Tables

1. Total Score (합산 점수)

2. Math (수학)

3. Reading & Writing (읽기 & 쓰기)

What Are the Potential Uses of Concordance Tables? 
A variety of stakeholders use concordance tables to compare scores across the ACT and the SAT to inform policies, processes, and decisions. College counselors, students, and their families use concordance tables to inform college searches and explorations. Policymakers, researchers, and K –12 educators use concordance tables to aggregate scores across tests to measure college readiness for groups of students. Colleges, universities, scholarship organizations, and athletic conferences also use concordances in a variety of ways, including determining eligibility for a program or scholarship. 

- Concordance 표는 ACT  SAT 시험 점수를 기반으로 점수 사이를 통계적으로 보여줍니다. 새로운 SAT ACT 의해 측정된 콘텐츠에 대한 설명은 부록에 제시되어 있습니다. 아래 표는 3가지로 나누어진 Concordance 표입니다.

* Comparing SAT and ACT scores across different students. When scores from either test are accepted, concordance tables can help institutions or other stakeholders who need to compare scores. 

(다른 학생들과 SAT ACT 점수 비교. 어느 시험에서든 점수가 인정되면 "concordance " 점수를 비교해야 하는 기관이나 기타 관계자들에게 도움이   있습니다.)

* Establishing a policy using comparable scores from both tests. 
An institution, scholarship, or program may use a specific test score as one factor to establish eligibility. 

(두 가지 테스트의 비교 점수를 사용하여 정책 수립. 교육 기관, 장학금 또는 프로그램의 자격 수여의 요소로 사용할  있습니다.)

* Converting scores for use in a predictive model or index. 
Many colleges and universities have built indices or models to predict the likelihood that individual students will apply, enroll, or succeed academically. These models typically include a variety of factors, including test scores, high school GPA, and course rigor. Institutions can apply the concordance tables in these prediction models. 

(변환한 점수를 예측 가능한 모델로서 사용. 많은 대학들은 개별 학생들이 학업 적으로 성공할 가능성을 예측할  있는 지표 또는 모델을 구축했습니다.  모델은 일반적으로 시험 점수, 고등학교 평점  과목 수료와 같은 다양한 요인을 포함합니다. 기관은 이러한 예측 모델에 concordance 표를 적용할  있습니다.)

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