Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) 입학정보

학업 요구 사항

1. Common Application

2. 성적 증명서

지원자는 가장 최근의 성적표를 통해 모든 고등학교 학업 성적표를 제출해야 합니다지원자의 상담 교사는Common App, 이메일 또는 우편으로 성적표를 제출할  있습니다만약 당신의 학력 증명서가 영어로 작성되지 않았다면제출하기 전에 승인된 번역자에 의해 영어로 번역되어야 합니다.

3. 시험

- SAT 또는 ACT

모든 지원자는 SAT 또는 ACT 결과를 제출해야 합니다. RISD superscore 사용하며 서브젝트 테스트는 필수항목이 아닙니다.


미국 시민권자를 포함한 외국어로 영어를 사용하는 모든 신청자는 TOEFL 또는 IELTS  하나의 결과를 제출해야 합니다영어 실력이 합격의 전제조건이기 때문에지원자는   하나의 시험에서 합격 점수를 받아야 합니다. TOEFL 점수는 93 , IELTS 점수는 6.5  이상이어야 합니다시험 신청 마감일 전에 TOEFL 또는 IELTS 시험을 치르십시오시험 점수가 RISD 보내지려면 6 주가 소요될  있습니다.

4. 포트폴리오 (SlideRoom 통해)

Common Application 통해 SlideRoom 포트폴리오를 업로드합니다.

귀하의 포트폴리오에는 귀하의 생각과 창조성을 보여주는 가장 최근의 작품 12-20개를 제출해야 합니다작품은 예술 분야의 모든 아이디어관심사경험  능력을 반영해야 합니다이는 모든 매체완료된 형식 또는 스케치 형식의 작업이 포함될  있으며할당된 프로젝트 또는 자체적으로 만든 작업   있습니다.

제출물  하나에 대한 개발 연구  / 또는 준비 작업을 포함시키는 것이 좋습니다아이디어를 개발하는 과정을 보여주면 우리는 여러분이 아이디어를 어떻게 발전시켰는지   있습니다스케치  또는 저널 페이지가 귀하의 프로세스를 공유하는 적절한 방법   있습니다완성된 작품과 준비 작업을 단일 이미지에 포함시키는 것도 고려하십시오. SlideRoom에는 제출물에 대한 간단한 텍스트 설명을 포함할  있는 영역이 있습니다.

 페이지에 여러 이미지가 포함된 PDF 형식의 작품을 제출하지 않는 것이 좋습니다이는 검토자가 보고 평가하기어렵고 20 작업 예제 제한을 초과하기 때문입니다.

5. 과제

다음의  가지 프롬프트 옵션  하나를 선택하고 매체를 사용하여  개의 응답을 만드세요 (제한 없음).




 프롬프트에는 하나 이상의 의미 또는 용도가 있습니다초기 반응을 확장시키고 방향을 찾기 위해 사전 출처를 참조하는 것으로 시작할  있습니다우리는 이과제가 프레젠테이션과 마찬가지로 과정이 중요하다고 생각합니다최종 프레젠테이션이나 기술 숙련도의 예보다  많은 실험적인 작품을 제출하는 것을 권장합니다어떤 미디어를썼는지 중요하지 않으므로 모든 가능성을 탐구해보십시오.

과제 작품 전용 Slideroom 특정 섹션에서 업로드하십시오. SlideRoom Portfolio 영역에 이들을 포함하지 마십시오.

 과제의 파일 크기가 10MB 초과하는 경우 개인  사이트, YouTube, Vimeo 등과 같은 플랫폼으로 연결되는링크를 삽입하십시오.

 작품들과 함께 여러분이 공유하고 있는  가지 답변을 생각해보고  질문에 대한 간단한 답변을 하십시오다음 단계로  깊이 표현할  있는 다른 방향이나 아이디어는 무엇입니까?

6. 작문

귀하의 작문을 최대 650 단어로 적어서 제출하십시오이것은 목표가 아니라 한계 단어 글자  임을 명심하십시오필요한 경우 최대한  글자 수를 사용하되 의무적으로 사용할 필요는 없습니다.

Common Application Personal Essay 섹션에 글쓰기 프롬프트가 있습니다.

우리는 당신이 훌륭한 글쓰기 규칙을 따르도록 권장하지만표현에 있어서 위험을 두려워하지 않는 지원자를 찾습니다주저하지 말고 주저하지 마시고 제출하는 샘플에서 독특한 자신만의 위치를 표현하십시오.

7. 추천서

필수는 아니지만 추천서는 입학 신청서에 매우 유용할  있습니다 장의 추천서가 제안되지만  장을 제출할 수도 있습니다추천서는 귀하의 예술 또는 학업 성취도에 대한 직접적인 지식을 갖고 있으며 학생으로서의 잠재력에 대해 언급할  있는 교사 또는 다른 전문가가 작성해야 합니다.

Common Application 사용하여 추천 작성자를 초대하여 해당 서비스를 통해 서신을 제출하십시오편지는 우편주소 (아래 참조) 직접 보내거나 admissions@risd.edu 이메일을 보낼 수도 있습니다.


자료 제출하기

* Common Application
 통해 신청서를 제출하십시오.

귀하의 학교가 Common Application 또는 이메일을 통해 전자 우편으로 또는 우편으로 입학 사무국에 공식 성적표를 보내도록 하십시오.

* SlideRoom
 통해 포트폴리오를 업로드하십시오.

* Slideoom
 과제에 대한 귀하의 답변을 업로드하십시오.

* Common Application
 통해 작문  추천서를 업로드하십시오.

자료들은 온라인으로 제출하는 것이 좋습니다프린트된 공식 성적표추천서작문  시험 보고서는 다음 주소로우편 발송할  있습니다:

Admissions Office

Rhode Island School of Design

Two College Street

Providence, RI 02903


Brown x RISD 이중 학위 프로그램

Brown x RISD 이중 학위 프로그램에 입학 신청하는 학생의 경우 각각 1  1  (Brown) 2  1  (RISD) 마감일까지  기관의 신청 절차를 완료해야 합니다.

Early Decision 마감일을 사용하여 RISD Brown 모두에게 신청할 수는 없지만  학교  한곳에 일찍 신청할 수는 있습니다그렇게  경우 신청서에  이중 학위 프로그램에 대한 귀하의 관심을 표시하십시오.

 프로그램에 대해 신청하는  필요한 유일한 추가 자격 증명은 Common Application 포함된 Dual Degree Supplement입니다이중 학위 에세이는 다른 필수 에세이들을 대체하지 않습니다.

학생들은 이중 학위 프로그램 입학을 고려하기 전에 RISD Brown 양쪽 모두에 입학 허가를 받아야 합니다.

입학 자격

중등학교 졸업은 필수 조건이지만고등학교 동등 학위가 받아들여질  있습니다예비 지원자들은 가능한 경우 스튜디오 미술과 미술사 수업을 들으며 중등학교의 대학 준비 과정을 따라야 합니다시각  디자인 기술 ( : 스튜디오 드로잉) 개발하는 과정을 적극 권장합니다우리의 건축 프로그램에 관심이 있는 학생들은 algebra, geometry, trigonometry 그리고 1 년의 과학물리학 등의 수학 과정을 이수해야 합니다.


장학금은 재정적 필요와 학업 능력의 조합을 바탕으로 수여됩니다. RISD 장학금을 받기 위해서는 입학  학생은 FAFSA (Federal Student Aid)  CSS 프로파일 신청서를 작성해야 합니다. RISD 장학금 수혜자들은 매년 재정 지원을 신청해야 합니다.

Academic Requirements

1. Common Application

2. Academic transcripts 

- Applicants must provide official transcripts of all secondary academic work through the most recent grading period. Your counselor may submit your transcript through the Common Application, Parchment, email or mail. If your academic credentials are not written in English, they must be translated into English by an approved translator prior to submission.

3. Tests 

- SAT or ACT

All applicants are required to submit the results of the SAT or the ACT (American College Testing program). RISD will superscore your results. Subject tests are not required.


All applicants who speak English as a second language, including US citizens, must submit results from either TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Since proficiency in English is a prerequisite for acceptance, applicants must attain an acceptable score on either test; RISD requires a minimum result of 93 on the TOEFL or 6.5 on IELTS. Plan to take the TOEFL or IELTS well in advance of the application deadline since it may take six weeks for your scores to be sent to RISD.

4. Portfolio (via SlideRoom)

You will upload your portfolio in SlideRoom through the Common Application.

Your portfolio should present 12–20 examples of your most recent work that showcases your thinking and making. The work should reflect a full range of your ideas, interests, experiences and abilities in the arts. This can include work in any medium, in finished or sketch form, and can be the result of an assigned project or a self-directed exploration.

We recommend that you include some developmental research and/or preparatory work for one of your submissions. It is helpful to show your process of thinking and investigation so we can see how you develop your ideas. A sketchbook or journal page may be an appropriate way to share your process. Consider also including the finished piece and preparatory work(s) in a single image. There is an area in SlideRoom where you can include brief text descriptions for your submissions.

We strongly discourage the submission of works in PDF format that include multiple pages, especially when there are numerous elements on a single page. These are difficult for reviewers to view and assess and are likely to exceed the allowed limit of 20 work examples.

5. The Assignment

Choose one of the following three prompt options and create two responses using any medium (no restrictions).

* error

* verify

* forge

Each of these prompts has more than one meaning or usage. You might want to begin by referring to dictionary sources to expand your initial reaction and inform your direction. We consider this assignment to be as much about process as presentation. We encourage you to consider your submissions as exercises in experimental thinking and risk-taking more than final presentations or examples of technical proficiency. No mode of expression is valued more than another, so feel free to explore the full range of possibilities.

Upload your responses in the specific section of SlideRoom dedicated to these works. Do not include them in the Portfolio area of SlideRoom.

If the file size of either response exceeds 10MB, embed a link to direct us to another viewing platform such as a personal website, YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

Along with these works, reflect on the two responses you are sharing and provide a brief, written response to this question: What are the other directions or ideas you would explore as a next step?

6. Writing Sample

Submit one example of your writing, up to 650 words. Remember, this is the limit, not a goal. Use the full limit if you need it, but don’t feel obligated to do so.

You will find the writing prompts in the Personal Essay section of the Common Application.

While we encourage you to adhere to the rules of good writing, we look for applicants who are not afraid to take risks in their expression. Please don't hesitate to use a writing style or method that may be outside the mainstream as you express a distinctive personal position in the samples you submit.

7. Letter(s) of recommendation

Although not required, these letters can be very helpful to your application. One letter is suggested, although as many as three may be submitted. Recommendation letters should be written by teachers or other professionals who have firsthand knowledge of your art or academic achievements and can comment on your potential as a student.

Please use the Common Application to invite your recommendation writers to submit letters through that service. Letters may also be sent directly to our mailing address (see below) or emailed to admissions@risd.edu.

Helpful Tips

Submitting your materials

* Submit your application form through the Common Application.

* Have your school send official transcripts to the Admissions Office, either electronically through the Common Application, Parchment or email, or by mail.

* Upload your portfolio through SlideRoom.

* Upload your responses to The Assignment in Slideroom.

* Upload your writing sample and letters of recommendation through the Common Application.

* We prefer that your credentials be submitted electronically using the online tools.
Paper versions of official transcripts, recommendations, writing sample and test reports may also be mailed to:
Admissions Office
Rhode Island School of Design
Two College Street
Providence, RI 02903

Brown x RISD Dual Degree program

Students applying for admission to the Brown|RISD Dual Degree program must complete the application process at both institutions by our respective deadlines: January 1 for Brown and February 1 for RISD.

You may not apply to both RISD and Brown using the Early Decision deadline, although you can choose to apply to one of the two schools early. If you do so, please indicate your interest in this program on your application.

The only additional credential required to apply for this program is the Dual Degree Supplement, which is included within the Common Application. Note that the Dual Degree essay does not replace the other required writing sample.

Students must be admitted both to RISD and Brown before being considered for admission to the Dual Degree program.


Graduation from secondary school is a prerequisite, although a high school equivalency diploma may be accepted. Prospective applicants are urged to follow a college preparatory program in secondary school, taking courses in studio art and art history where possible. Courses that develop visual and design skills (such as studio drawing) are strongly recommended. Students interested in our Architecture program must have completed a course sequence in mathematics including algebra, geometry and trigonometry and one year of science, preferably physics.


RISD scholarships are awarded based on a combination of financial need and academic merit. To be eligible for RISD scholarships incoming students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the CSS Profile Application. Recipients of RISD scholarships must apply for financial aid each year.

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